The Basics of EPDM Single Ply Membrane

EPDM single ply membrane is regarded as extremely effective in liquid EPDM roofing solutions. The reasons for such efficiency are more than one. One of the basic reasons for this efficiency is the moisture resistance capability of EPDM single ply membrane. Inappropriate drain positioning, or structural deflection leads to low areas on your roof which allows moisture to pond over time. EPDM is considered to be extremely effective against such a condition.

Liquid EPDM sheets can be as large as up to 50 feet in width. These sheets are mostly used in the form of mechanically fastened and ballasted applications. If you are looking for greater flexibility in positioning EPDM single ply membrane, narrower widths are also available. If you’re wondering whether you can have these narrow streets without factory seams or not, the good news is yes you can have them.

Generally, EPDM membrane is available in various thicknesses, such as from .045 inches to .090 inches. EPDM single ply membrane is also available as reinforced and non-reinforced sheets. Liquid EPDM is regarded as one of the most environmental and sustainable materials in construction industry these days. Due to its excellent performance, it has less drastic impact on environment. One of the major characteristics of liquid EPDM is its capability to demonstrate resistance to moisture absorption. Such a capability has made EPDM single ply membrane a strong option for underground waterproofing applications. These are the conditions where the material is buried in saturated oil and only EPDM has turned out to be productive.

If you’re wondering how ponding areas can be dangerous for traditional roofing techniques, be aware that lagging water causes decay of organic face, granule loss, algae growth, surface cracking and premature curing. You’ll be surprised to know that EPDM membrane cannot be affected by any of these problems occurring in ponding areas. The good thing about EPDM roofing solutions is even if mistakenly you happen to create deflection and as a result ponding on your roof, EPDM membrane offers more safety margins in such an event. With traditional roofing techniques, you cannot take the risk of avoiding positive drainage. And if you happen to have any deflection, ponding areas will come into existence in the case of traditional roofing techniques which in the end create immense problems for the roof to avoid cracks, seams and penetrations.